

Arvixe shared hosting review

Due to other hosting firms not living up to expectations, I moved my sites over to a Arvixe shared hosting because of a few positive remarks and what they give you.

Here is a list of pros and cons I have experienced with Arvixe PersonalClass ASP PRO shared hosting since 2011:


-Unlimited SQL Server can be connected to from SQL Server Management Studio
-Unlimited websites (domains)
-Each domain can have it's own application pool
-Decent online chat support.

CONS or limitations:

-Installed NopCommerce 2.10 and site kept shutting down. Memory limits maxed. Read more.
-The Windows spam filter isn't quit as good as the Linux.

Arvixe PersonalClass ASP PRO so far has been pretty good with just a few issues that are not cool but I have several sites and only 1 doesn't seem to work good with their service.

I would highly recommend. I will keep updating this as I experience more.

10/7/2011 - Montastic service notified me at 10:20am.

-Error on page:
Service Unavailable

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

-Application Pool was fine
Arvixe.com administrator Raj Gopalakrishnan recreated the site and set the fight default page. Seems like the application.config file was busy in the server and it caused the issue NOTE: Did not apply any changes to site before this happened.

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