To setup RDP so it uses new port using Netgear WPN824N.
Router: Netgear WPN824N
Firware Version: V1.0.0.14NA
GUI Language Version: V1.0.0.33
1) First click 'Attached Devices' and find local IP:

1b) Click on 'Port Forwarding / Port Triggering ' in left navigation,
1c) Add port forwarding to the pc you want to open. Note, this image you would need to change from to or it will not work.
2) Then change the firewall:
(Start/Run.../Firewall.cpl or Start/Settings/Control Panel/Windows Firewall)

--For exact ip enter:
--For ip range enter:
3) To access from known remote location:
Replaced with the ip of the remote pc.
NOTE: Notice to have :<port number after the ip.